Contemplating the travails of daily life

My knee pain resulting from doing a simple task has made me question one of life’s challenges during my childhood

Ron Advani
5 min readApr 11, 2021
Photo of a notice on a store restroom wall in New Zealand, by Ron Advani, 2019

The other day I had to change the seat on the toilet to a soft seat as it was getting a bit uncomfortable to use a wooden seat. I checked on Youtube where I learn about how to do anything around the house and it seemed easy so I ordered a soft seat from Amazon. When I started to remove the old seat I realized that I would have to get on my knees between the toilet and the wall as the room is so narrow that I could not reach under the seat to unscrew the old seat. After some struggle I was thrilled at my first victory that the seat was off. I measured the new seat and checked the distance between the bolt holes and was rewarded again with the realization that it would fit and would not have to be returned.

All I had to do now was to place the new one and pop the plastic bolts in the holes on either side and then tighten the nut from below. I was feeling very pleased that I had ordered the right one and it would be on in a few minutes. However accomplishing the bolting of the new seat turned out to be sheer torture. I had to practically lay on the floor and wedge my arm between the toilet and the wall and with tremendous difficulty reach the end of the bolt to…



Ron Advani

Wannabe writer and voracious reader. Love traveling and observing local cultures and traditions. Lived in India, Egypt, Singapore and retired in the Bay Area.